Thursday, July 10, 2008

Spanish Bicyclist

Joanias started his two year trek in Anchorage with a destination of the tip of South America. Note the map on the carrier on the front of his bicycle. During our stay at Denali North View we had several campers on motorcycles and bicycles that were touring Alaska.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Denali State Park - North View Campground

Host Site at Denali View North

Here we are all settled in for the next four weeks plus. What a view Denali in all her glory. As the leaves came out on the trees however my view of the mountain was blocked. So one day when Robin asked if there was anything we needed done, Francis said that Jo Ann would really like that tree removed so she could see "The Mountain" day or night. He got out his chain saw and the tree as they say was history.

Denali State Park

Two days before we were to set up in the host site at Denali View North (May 16), we walked in through 20 inches of snow to have a look at the area we would be camping in. The snow had begun to melt over the paved areas but lots of snow still remained. Denali (Mt. McKinley) can be seen with the Alaska Range in the background.

Denali National Park Visitor's Center

Panorama located in the new visitor's center at the Park. We regret that the animals are not real (to be polically correct I guess) but it is a very nice disply.

Savage River Valley

On May 16 we drove into the Savage River (12 miles from the entrance to Denali National Park and the point where private vehicles turn when the park is open) Valley and the early spring views.

Teklanika Campground

While staying in Denali National Park our favorite campground is TEK. We had reservations for 5 days beginning June 9 but received a letter the end of April advising they would be unable to keep the reservation because of ice in the campground. On the last day private vehicles were allowed to drive into the Tek River Francis and I drove in to check it out. Guess what??? This is solid ice . . . the river had frozen upstream causing the water to back up into the campground. First time since it was built but resulting in ice level with the picnic table tops. Workers feel it will be July before campers are allowed in and there will probably be no water this summer.

Male Ptarmigan

This bird totally white in winter is returning to summer colors here. The town of Chicken (so named because no one could spell ptarmigan) was named after this fellow that really does look like a "chicken"

Spring in Denali National Park

This view of the Savage River in spring with the Alaska Range shows that winter is really not over on May 16, 2008.