Thursday, October 7, 2010

Early October, 2010

Beautiful sunset over Little Rock.
Lots of storm clouds but no rain that is so needed in Arkansas.
When we learned that our friends Diane and John were traveling thru Tennesse we arranged to meet them in Memphis for a short visit.
Jo Ann and good friend Pat.

Summer 2010

We arrived at Maumelle Corps of Engr. campground in May. Francis had his surgery and this was a beautiful site to recoup. However we had not planned on this being the hottest summer in Arkansas history so we spend a lot of time indoors. Thank goodness our A/C worked well.

The Arkansas River has major barge passage. This was interesting to watch their passage. There are several locks including the one here at Little Rock.
In the lovely campground we have tents of many different sizes and shapes.
Actually had five hatchings of mayflies which covered many of the motorhomes in the area.

While Francis was in the hospital we had a bird make a nest in one of our lawn chairs. We were able to photograph the births and the young birds leaving the nest.
We did not have the large animals of Alaska and the west but among the large number of squirrels we have a few odd ones. This tailless one and one that a blond tail . . . don't know who was the hairdresser that did the job.
These ducks became so familiar in the area that we started naming the groups.
Lots of Canada geese stay in this area
On a small island in the Arkansas River we watched a doe with 2 fawns. One afternoon we observed the doe swim to the mainland with one fawn.