Wednesday, April 13, 2011

In 1999 (soon after we retired) our first trip was to Alaska. While in Canada when we met Dottie and Frenchy (from Memphis). On their recent trip from Utah to Memphis they stopped in Elephant Butte for a short visit.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

February 2011

Beautiful desert sunrise from our window.

Snow drifts around our site after the "big snow". However we did have record low temperatures the first week in Feb. when it was below "0" three nights in a row. This was the only time it was that cold. Old timers tell us they had been here for 40 years and never saw such a winter. The newspaper report said it was 71 years since Elephant Butte had such cold nights.
Tires are used near marina at Elephant Butte Lake to form breakwater.
Here they are covered with snow following a February dusting.
The reason for the day's outing at the ranch was to celebrate Manny's mother's birthday. The picture decorating the cake was an earlier scene at the ranch.
What a wonderful old wood heater in the big tent at Manny's Aunt Sally's ranch.
Adobe ranch house built in early 1800's.
The original house has been added to several times and is full of interesting items. Old stove, heaters, sewing machines and dishes. Manny's grandfather owned this ranch.

Manny Sanchez (the park ranger we work with at Elephant Butte State Park) coming in from the roundup. This ranch belonged to his grandfather and his family still works it.

The cows were rounded up and herded into the corals to check them out. The unbranded stock was separated as well as a few to go to market.
Branding the new calves.
Branding the new calves.
The old TV died. With the help of a couple rangers we finally got it removed.
Look at all the storage I'll have behind the new one.
Our new flat screen TV with storage behind.
All that remains of the old VC is the pile of rubble.
The new paybooths and visitor's center is in the background.
There are 3 booths and are very comfortable.