Tuesday, February 12, 2008

New Snow (11+ inches)

At approx. 3 am on Feb. 11 snow began to fall and it continued all day. By noon Feb. 12 we have approx 11.5 inches of new snow and everything is white and beautiful. Of course that means get out the snow blower and groomer to get trails ready. With the warmer, more normal temperature (in the high teens and 20's) we will see more folkes on the trails. Since Jan. 30 our maximum temperature has been single digit with three days on the minus side. Our lowest temperature during this time was minus 18 degrees. Of course the temperature in the interior has been much lower . . . Tok, Alaska recorded a minus 70 last week.

1 comment:

JEANNE and JACK said...


But the temp is way too cold for us.