Saturday, April 26, 2008

April 25, 2006 - 18 Inches of snow breaks record

Alaska law requires that studded snow tires be removed no later than May 1 of each year. Spring seemed to be here with the arrival of the large mosquitos. On April 24 the weatherman predicted 1 to 2 inches of snow/rain tomorrow. With the temperature high at 51 and a low 31 degrees, we laughed at another poor prediction. Well, he did miss his prediction by approx. 16 inches.

We had an auction for the Eagle River Nature Center at the BP Bldg. in Anchorage scheduled for the evening of April 25. All day we watched the snow fall but the roads were so warm it was quickly melting, and then it start to stick. As time neared for our departure we waded thru approx. 10" of snow to get to the car. It continued to snow all night and this morning we had a total of approx. 18 inches. Apparently winter is not over.

On April 25 four of our summer resident volunteers arrived. . . .but summer was not here. We told them they would have the privilege of seeing three Alaska seasons in the first month . . . winter . . . . spring . . . and then summer would arrive.

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