Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Dakotas - Late Sept. 2008

Except for the crossing of an international border the land in Southern Canada and North Dakato were much the same. Many huge farms with lots of hay, wheat and soybeans being harvested. By the time we were in southern South Dakato we had driven out of most of the fall colors.

After driving through Nebraska and the corner of Kansas we entered Missouri. Decided to make our first visit to the Escapee Turkey Creek Campground at Branson. Will spend a few days here washing and cleaning. Our living room slide was out for the first time in 10 days.

This was our fastest trip down from Alaska and must say the least fun. We were driving longer distances each than normal however, we did see a lot of wildlife including elk, buffalo (about 100), mountain sheep, deer white tail and mule, a bull moose, a black bear, wild turkeys, swans, geese and even a fox chasing a rabbit. We found the roads generally in good condition but really improved about half way the Yukon Territory.

1 comment:

JEANNE and JACK said...

We do hate traveling instead of exploring. Keep driving safely.