Saturday, November 27, 2010

In early Chloride (a silver mining town) this original 1880 log cabin was a general store. In 1881 there were 8 saloons, 3 mercantile stores, 2 butcher shops, a hotel, a boarding house plus several other businesses. There was a post office and about 3000 residents. When the silver ran out the store was boarded up with all the merchandise still inside.

In the late 1900's the Edmunds purchased the building removed all the merchandise, cleared out the rats and bats and after painting the interior replaced the merchandise and it is open today as a museum. The day we arrived the lady at the art gallery (next door) telephoned the owner to come open the museum for us. She said for us to watch for a "yellow hummer" and that would be the owner. The "hummer" turned out to be an electric car and the lady was very knowledgeable about the area and interested in sharing the information.

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