Friday, May 17, 2013

May 2, 2013 Leaving Tok, AK

Spent the night in Tok and found everything still frozen here . . . . no opportunity to wash the rig and car.  Anyone driving into Alaska drives through Tok.  In the Athabascan language “Tok” means water and appears on maps drawn up in the late 1800’s.

We decided to drive on to Glennallen (125 miles) since there was a good weather report for today.  However we quickly realized that the  weather report was in error.

 IMG_5022-Road from Tok to Glennallen

The Copper River starts at the glacier in the Wrangel Mountains and part of the Tok Cutoff follows the river.

IMG_5030-Copper River

With the warmer weather the ice is beginning to breakup in the Copper River.

IMG_5031-Beginning of breakup of Copper River

The Matanuska River is also breaking up.


Some of the “breakup” really forms interesting designs.

IMG_5059-Breakup results any many diff. shapes

As we were driving along we noticed a number of frozen waterfalls IMG_5049-Frozen waterfalls

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