Saturday, May 19, 2012

Back at Elephant Butte – October 2011

When we returned to EBLSP we learned that the lake is 25 feet lower than when we left last April.  It was 75 feet low at that time so it is really low now.  In fact, at the present time it is possible to drive out to Rattlesnake Island to camp.  A strange sight to see large RVs on the Island.

IMG_2856-Can now drive to Rattlesnake Island 

We also arrived with a full moon lighting the night sky.IMG_2858-Full moon rising



IMG_2859-Forded creek over 50 times

The road through this beautiful canyon follows a creek.  Depending on how much rain/snow melt has occurred in the mountains you may have to drive across/though the creek.  This time we forded the creek 50 times and as we exited the canyon we drove for about half mile through the creek.

When returning to Elephant Butte we stopped at Chloride (again) an old silver town to share the museum, etc, with Jeanie and Jack. Here we are enjoying lunch with them.Jeanie, Jack and us at Chloride

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