Friday, September 13, 2013

FAIRBANKS – Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitors Center

Arrived in Fairbanks Sept. 5 and settled in at the Chena River State Park campground. Decided our first stop should be the new visitors center opened after our last visit.  As well as having very knowledgeable staff there are very nice exhibits. 

As we approached we saw an early log house which was part of a row of houses (most now gone) which still sets in the original location.


However, many people lived in wall tents with wood heaters


Early clothing


With all the labors of women they still loved sewing and decorating with beads


Since the natives moved so often a sewing kit most be portable.


The moving was to locate animals for food and fishing


Athabascan Potlatches were held for celebrating life transitions, new chief, first hunt, first “kill” of the season and to celebrate the life of  the deceased.  Family and friends came together to share food and gifts

20130905_155648  Potlatches are still held today.

Their art was rooted in culture



Leaving the center we spotted an Arch of Antlers


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