Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April 9, 2013

After a three great months we are leaving Organ Pipe Cactus Monument.

IMG_4720-Entrance to Organ Pipe

We had hoped that the large cactus would bloom but we are leaving too early.  Here are a few final pictures of what we have been seeing.

IMG_4736-One of our last sunrises

We’ll miss the beautiful sunrises.  The wind was blowing dust/sand so badly last night there was no sunset visible.

IMG_4737-Palo verde tree in full bloom

Palo Verde in full blossom.

IMG_4739-Area near visitor's center

Area near Visitor’s Center (prickly pear has a few buds). Yesterday was our last day.IMG_4742-Hedge hog cactus in bloom

Hedge hog cactus

IMG_4746-Mesquite Tree

Mesquite tree does not have flowers but this is their blossom which will go to seed.

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